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Free Full-text Access to Springer Journals and Archive

SpringerLink is Springer's comprehensive online delivery platform, providing easy access to more than 8 million resources in the world's most complete online collection of books, journals, reference works, protocols and databases. The full-text access provided by the Library of MU-Varna via, includes over 2700 peer-reviewed journals in science, technical and medical (STM) publishing, more than 100 000 books  since 1842, 300+ reference works and book series. Springer's eBooks on the platform include monographs, textbooks, handbooks, atlases, reference works, protocols, book series and lecture notes.
Springer's publications is an unparalleled resource for scientific research and SpringerLink delivers fast, accurate access to the highest quality academic research. Along the way, Springer has published the work of more than 190 Nobel laureates for Chemistry, Economics, Medicine and Physics.

 Also available on SpringerLink are the Springer Archives with previously hard to find titles. ​