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The First Module of the History of Medicine Course Was Held at MU - Varna

The first module of the course on the History of Medicine started on 21st June 2019 at MU - Varna. The training has been organised for the fourth consecutive year.

The lecturers focused on discussing interesting topics such as "Epidemics and Epidemic Control in Post-Liberation Varna", "History of Blood Transfusion", "Eponyms and Medicine. Eponyms with Bulgarian Participation", "Alchemy and Alchemists – Contributions to the Modernization of Medicine on the Eve of the Renaissance", "Acute Gastrointestinal Infections - a Key Factor for (non) Success in the History of Military and Maritime Conflicts", "Historical and Medical Analysis of Mock Disaster with Multiple Casualties in Varna", etc. Among the lecturers are Assoc. Prof. Dr. Neviana Feschieva, Dr. Eliana Ivanova, Dr. Zhanina Yordanova, Assoc. Prof. Georgi Marinov, Assoc. Prof. Dobrin Paskalev, Assoc. Prof. Diana Petkova, Diana Rangelova, Prof. Ivaylo Vazharov. Assoc. Prof. Georgi Marinov presented to the audience new facts, hypotheses and guidelines for future research of the jubilee book "135 Years of Varna Medical Society".

During the course, research projects were also discussed, one of which is "The Doctor in the Cultural Dynamics of the 15th-16th Century in Europe". Seminar and discussion panels were also held. One of the topics for discussion was focused on the topic "What type of medical history training is appropriate for modern students?". Medical specialists, lecturers, scientists and students from Varna, Sofia, Burgas, Shumen and Stara Zagora are among the participants at the training.

The organisation of the annual course on the History of Medicine is a result of the decision of the academic management of MU - Varna to introduce humanitarian accents in the education of medical specialists.

The second day of the course is tomorrow (22nd June 2019) at Medical College – Varna.

Veronika Stoyanova
