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MU - Varna Joins Actively the Initiatives Dedicated to the 30th Anniversary of ERASMUS+

2017 is the year of ERASMUS - or EuRopean Community Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students. The thirtieth anniversary of the most famous European educational exchange programme will be celebrated throughout the European Union.​

The campaign dedicated to the anniversary celebration in Bulgaria was officially launched on 21.02.2017, at the Aula of Sofia University "St. Kliment​ Ohridski". Formal greetings were delivered by Prof. Dr. Ognyan Gerdzhikov - Prime Minister of the Republic of Bulgaria, Prof. Nikolai Denkov, DSc - Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Anastas Gerdzhikov, DSc - Rector of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Prof. Lyuben Totev, PhD - Chairman of the Council of Rectors in Bulgaria and Rector of the University of Mining and Geology "St. Ivan Rilski" and Ms. Tatyana Kalkanova - Executive Director of the Human Resources Development Centre.

Medical University - Varna was presented by Prof. Todorka Kostadinova - Vice-Rector for International Cooperation, Accreditation and Quality, and institutional coordinator of ERASMUS+ Programme.

ERASMUS+ was adopted by the Council of Ministers of Education and launched in 1987 in 11 countries. Over time, its scope has expanded to 33 participating countries and 169 partner countries such as Switzerland and Turkey. The Programme has a budget of over € 16 billion for 2014-2020.

The European Union student exchange programme has already enabled more than 5 million young people to study abroad.

Since 2000 Medical University - Varna has carried out exchange of students and lecturers under Socrates-Erasmus Programme. In 2007 the educational institution obtained an Extended Erasmus+ University Charter, and in December 2013 – a University Charter to work under the new ERASMUS+ Programme during the programming period of 2014-2020.

MU-Varna has concluded bilateral exchange agreements with 36 universities from 15 European countries under the programme.