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Prof. Dr. Krasimir Ivanov Elected with an Absolute Majority for Rector of MU-Varna for a Second Term in Office

Following a highly successful first term, Prof. Dr. Krasimir Ivanov was elected with an absolute majority for Rector of Medical University "Prof. Dr. Paraskev Stoyanov"-Varna for the term of 2016-2020. The meeting of the General Assembly was held on 14th March 2016, at "Prof. Dr. Garabed Kaprelyan" Auditorium at RHI, in our seaside capital.

Prof. Ivanov delivered an Activity Report for the higher educational institution during his first management term in office. He emphasized on the significant increase in the number of students, the implementation of major and extensive projects on construction and modernization of the facilities –construction of the building of the Faculty of Pharmacy, opening new Affiliates in the cities of Sliven, Veliko Tarnovo and Shumen, establishing the University Medico-Dental Centre and the Centre for Translational Medicine and Cell Therapy, introduction of innovative training methods, high accreditation assessment and excellent quality of education. Currently 4543 people, including 1038 international students from 43 countries, are being trained at MU-Varna.

 "I'd like to say thank you to all of you for putting your trust in me four years ago, thanks to the entire team of Medical University - Varna for its dedicated work and excellent results achieved", said the Rector to the delegates at the General Assembly.