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MU-Varna Will Publish a Student Scientific Journal in English

In 2016 Medical University-Varna is going to start publishing a new English-language student scientific journal - Scripta Scientifica Vox Studentium. It will include full text articles, written by PhD and undergraduate students and their supervisors. The journal is intended for articles in the field of Medicine, Pharmacy, Dental Medicine and Public Health. The representatives of the Student Council explained that the first issue would be published in May.

Each publication in the periodicals of MU-Varna, including the latest edition of the University Scripta Scientifica Vox Studentium, receives a DOI number (Document Object Identifier). Thanks to this number the authors and their articles become a part of the global scientific exchange. The publications become visible on the main free scientific search engines, including Google Scholar.


More information on the submission of manuscripts to the online platform of the University publishing department is coming soon!


Detailed information on the journal and some instructions for the authors is available